This is the first that I'll admit I was one of those people who turned (very, very) green with envy and then (very, very) bitter after learning that the Google Cr-48 pilot program was possible only for people living in the US. Not that I was born with super human powers to make sure, had I been living in the US at the time of the project launching, that the odds of my name being picked out by Google people came close to 100% positive.
Fast forward to some time after the said privileged people received their Google cloud computing devices. The minute I saw the 12-incher on youtube vids - some with (very, very) crappy video quality, some good enough, and some ready to blow up my measly 1Mb DSL connection at home, they're that super HD quality - I thought of what any self-respecting hackintosher (or hackintosher-wannabe) in this planent would undoubtedly think of: