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25 January 2011


It's the 26th of January.
That means a day after the 25th.
I've submitted my papers on time. But as to whether they're any good to keep me afloat in my first year of the Enead /online program of Sorbonne Nouvelle, I'm not really sure.
I'm just happy I'm free again.
Or until the next sem starts...
Oh and btw, the project has gone to ProjectOSX forums

05 January 2011

Yet Another "Ultimate Hackintosh" Contender?

This is the first that I'll admit I was one of those people who turned (very, very) green with envy and then (very, very) bitter after learning that the Google Cr-48 pilot program was possible only for people living in the US. Not that I was born with super human powers to make sure, had I been living in the US at the time of the project launching, that the odds of my name being picked out by Google people came close to 100% positive.

Fast forward to some time after the said privileged people received their Google cloud computing devices. The minute I saw the 12-incher on youtube vids - some with (very, very) crappy video quality, some good enough, and some ready to blow up my measly 1Mb DSL connection at home, they're that super HD quality - I thought of what any self-respecting hackintosher (or hackintosher-wannabe) in this planent would undoubtedly think of: